30 September 2006

Safe From The Hunt

Can't get us here!

Hi. We are just having a great time in the living room watching all of the mighty hunters wander all over the fields looking for moose. What a shame. Silly hunters, thinking I would be outside in the bushes when I could be here having a great time and staying warm.

19 September 2006

"Über die Planke schicken"

celebrate talk like a pirate day in german. It is good for what ails you and can be lots of fun. Arrrr!

14 September 2006

The Pile Up

Eddy thought it was a good idea to clean out the barn before the barn collasped and swallowed up everything inside. Dorothea agreed and with that a pile was started. The pile has gotten quite large and spread along the backside of the barn in quick fashion.