27 June 2006

Moose Missing You

I can't wait for you guys to get back here. You are missing out on all of the flowers and the birds not to mention your great neighbors. I am almost finished reading this huge farming book you left. Keep checking back to see what else is going on here.

Missing you,


Anonymous said...

Dear Eddy the Elk.
I hope you remember me Eddy. =D
I have a few important information for you to forward to Jason. First of all you should tell him about me. As you know I am Lucas. And of course I am looking forward to meat you all in Canada.

See you later aligator.

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to see you again. It is great living here but it is always better to see a familiar face. Make sure you bring a sweater as it is getting quite cool here at nights. The trees are turning nice colours too. After while crocadile!